Grimm's Fairy Tale story assignment

The publishers Alfred A. Knopf are commissioning a series of creatively designed and illustrated stories from Grimm’s Fairy Tales. For this assignment, you will select a Grimm’s fairy tale and design and lay it out as a 6” x 9” booklet. Step one is to select your story:


Using a combination of Type and illustration, work on a design to express the story you select. Begin by making a word list and thumbnail sketches. In your thumbnails, think about choosing a cohesive style. You can create custom letter forms for the title or any other part of the story.


We will be working on letterspacing, linespacing and wordspacing. We will design and work with a grid, and address paragraph indications and emphasis. We will work on type alignment and what to do about orphans and widows . We will work on hierarchy, and how to use display type to add emphasis.


Your booklet will need to include a front and back cover and the inside pages containing the story. Remember that booklets need to have a page count that is divisible by 2. Depending on the length of your story, 6 pages (3 spreads) should be your starting place. We will set up our documents together in our first zoom session.

Due to the circumstances, this assignment can be done entirely by hand if your access to a computer or the CC is a problem during this time.